Wow! It has been ages since I posted. So much has been going on in the last couple of years. I am excited to announce that I finally decided to make the "leap" into the art world. For several years I had been encouraged by friends to pursue selling my art, but I always hesitated because of fear. After much dreaming and support, I jumped! I would love to say that it has been all roses and gumdrops, but that is not an accurate description. It has been hard, trying, lovely, encouraging, challenging and humbling all at the same time. I am grateful and blessed to be on this art journey.
Through out this journey I have met so many amazing fellow creatives! People that have come into my life at the exact moment I needed to meet them. God has not only given me a new way of experiencing Him, but He has also grown my creative community. One dear friend that He has brought into my life is Layla Palmer from Layla has graciously included a frame that I made in her latest design project for her show "The Lettered Cottage" on If you want some eye candy head on over and check out Layla's blog and show! You will not be disappointed!